Featured Books

Assassins’ Guide to Dealing with Ghouls: Book Two Abdriel’s Guides to Everything
As a favor to the Sisterhood’s shapeshifter-Cath, Abdriel helps track witch-Hazel’s philandering boyfriend. Spying is good practice for Abdriel’s...

Becoming: Blood Angel : Book One Abdriel’s Guides to Everything
Mudge is in BIG trouble, and this time so is his guardian– High Demon Abdriel Mallack. It’s time to flee Hell. It’s time to find the Blood Angel and...

The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard
By Kath Boyd Marsh The future of the Dr’gon Nations is in the paws of a lazy dr’gon and a bumbling newbie wizard? For Cl’rnce, a perfect day would...
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A Brief Introduction…
Hey there!
At seven years old Kath Boyd Marsh self-published her first fantasy on lined notebook paper, stapled together by her grandfather, and starring a creature based on her little sister- the ‘PB.’
Now Kath Boyd Marsh continues writing magical fantasy, sorcery adventures featuring dragons, wizards, wanna-be wizards and the occasional witch.
Inspired by the wonderfully funny imagination of her third grade students, Kath wrote the first novel in the Bumblespells series, The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard, to show that even bumbling heroes can save the day!
She lives in Pennsylvania with her three cats and two dogs – at least until the next adventure calls 😉