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18 September 2013
So the vote was taken, both house resident and outdoors absentee ballots (which suspiciously seem to have skunk, raccoon, and possum handwriting.). I’ve been banned from printing recipes from off the internet. 
The Prince Consort is an adventurous chef and has been enthusiastic about trying out new recipes I find online. Until last night. 
You see I found this Greek Chicken Salad recipe. It took a hunt to gather all the ingredients. Luckily the liquor store has an amazing foreign foods section, so we nabbed the tahini.  I barely escaped buying out the bread section, the best sourdough in town. I have no idea why the liquor store has all the good stuff. Okay. That’s a lie. 😉 
The recipe sounded and smelled really good while TPC was preparing it. But when it came down to eating it … we had lots of leftovers for the critters. TPC put a bowl out for the ‘I’ll eat anything’ raccoons, possums, and skunks. He knows they arrived last night. He saw them. 
This morning I went out to put out the corn and sunflower seeds, and there’s the leftover bowl. Still has salad in it. And if I’m not mistaken, there’s salad spit back out on the ground around the bowl. 
Nikki Cat,who did not eat the salad, voted because he’s in a snit about the new kibble I bought. So the ballots are in. I’m banned.  
No. They did not set my computer on fire to keep me off line. 
I just like this photo of a foggy sunrise across from our house the other morning. 
Kath who has a buy-one-dozen get-one-dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts coupon and just might not share with all the ingrates. So there. 

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