Easter Tree Crazy
Hank is crazy, and I am very dignified and wise. I didn’t know where he got the crazies until today.
This morning I reminded MomPerson that Easter is coming,and maybe she should think about putting away the last of the Christmas decorations, the Christmas tree. She agreed. And for a minute I thought I got all my smarts from her.
But then she smiled really wide and said, “Easter Tree! I’ll put away the Christmas tree decorations and put on Easter decorations!”
Hank ran in circles, and I knew right away this was crazy. But I’m too dignified to argue. I went for a nap. When I woke up, this is what I found.
I kind of like it. I particularly like the basket of stuffed toys. Hank and I could have a really good game of tug with those.
Nope. MomPerson is crazy and cranky. She caught Hank picking up the fuzzy duck. She made him drop it, then waved a finger at him and me, and said no playing with all those toys.
Maybe I want the Christmas tree back. There wasn’t a basket of trouble under it.
Just Saying
Wise and not Crazy Rufus