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Rufus: Just Saying: Where did they get the steak bone? 30 October 2016

Rufus: Just Saying: Where did they get the steak bone?
30 October 2016

Today is DadPeople’s birthday. Happy Birthday DADPEOPLE. I kind of wish I’d saved that steak bone you brought me yesterday, but  I thought of you while I ate it. Sort of.

I have an idea for your birthday, DadPeople. Why don’t you and MomPeople go back to the Richmond County Library for another Halloween Party? Yesterday you brought me a steakbone when you came home from that party. I didn’t know Halloween parties had steak bones! You should go to a lot of them. I really might share my bones if you do.

If I knew where they keep the bones at the library, I could help bring home lots of them. But I can’t find the bones in these photos DadPeople took.  Can you?

I see MomPeople’s book, and her poster of her book. And the bookmarks, and the cauldron filled with candy treats. Candy treats are not good. Bones are good. How can candy be a treat? No bones here.

MomPeople’s helper, Moriah from Eastern Kentucky University, put tattoos on LittlePeople. LittlePeople like tattoos. They must not know about bones.

I wonder if there are bones on the shelves with the books? Where else could Mom and DadPeople have gotten my bone?

This last photo is of MomPeople signing books on sale at the Lexington Barnes and Noble. I wonder if that store has bones on the shelves somewhere? 


The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard
Amazon:  http://amzn.to/2c6IOH4
Barnes and Nobles: http://bit.ly/2cwneNy
Indigo: Jhttp://bit.ly/2bHZQNJ

[All photos used in Kath-LettersfromEarth.blogspot.com are the sole property of Kath Marsh. Not for public use. Not to be reprinted.]

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