Check for Corpses or The NikkiCat Diet: Day 39 of the De Fluffing
26 August 2012
So while I’ve managed to carve off 9.5 pounds all tolled over the past 38 days, NikkiCat is not feeling the love. (The Prince Consort said today, with waaay too much surprise, “You’re getting a figure.” I checked. He meant not just a round one.)
Apparently our formerly feral NikkiCat is troubled that there are too many salads for dinner. Too much weighing of portions and discussion on what foods are too calorie- laden. (Which of course does not apply to anything chocolate. But then NikkiCat is not a dessert kind of cat. Or at least not the kind of dessert I … never mind.)
When I went out to the screened porch to write, I discovered NikkiCat’s solution to living with two morons who are cutting calories. He had neatly laid two chipmunks side by side for future meals. Aged meat? The cardinal had been devoured down to feathers, beak, and feet. Apparently cardinals do not need aging.
TPC kindly re-located the aging chipmunks to the backyard. But it occurred to me that our somewhat feral NikkiCat had been spending a LOT of time under the bedroom highboy. And I was dead sure he was not adjusting the satellite cables for the TV on top. Maybe NikkiCat had other meat stashes.
I am happy to report, no. I suspect that had to do with mice being more in the snack category and thus are not candidates for ‘aging’.
NikkiCat going ‘OWWT’ for dinner |
Kath who is keeping the screened door into the house closed so NikkiCat isn’t tempted to locate his meat supply indoors. Or we could pick up one of those cute dorm refrigerators and teach him to use it. I’ve seen dogs on TV fetch beers out of those. Surely a motivated cat can master a small refrigerator?