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Easily Entertained

Easily Entertained
17 January 2012
Usually grocery shopping is a chore. But today became a treasure hunt for smiles. 

First we hit the Foreign Foods aisle, British section. What would this pudding-in-a-can be called the American foods aisles? 
Then we discovered that whoever stocks the shelves in this grocery has a wicked sense of humor. 
Mexican foods section. Ironically I’ve never needed antacids with tortillas. 
Maybe move them down by the jalapeños?

                          Hangover? Bloody Mary? 
                          Start with the ibuprofen.
 Irony. Snack sized bags next to snack sized snacks.
              And the perfect comfort food from childhood. Animal crackers and juice. 

Kath, who will definitely be shopping this grocery for more than groceries. 

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