What do Dragons Blog About?
22 February 2018
I’m not sure there ever was a time when I was not owned by at least one cat, but there was a ‘Before the Dragons’ time. I was a teaching assistant, and one day I got sent out in the hall. I wasn’t sent, because I was bad, but because at that school Teaching Assistants were not allowed in the classroom during state testing. Really.
So after grading spelling papers, I sat at that little desk in that empty hall thinking how too quiet it was out there, and He arrived. My first dragon, Cl’rnce came into my head, and out the pencil and onto the extra paper I had in front of me.
The first story Cl’rnce inspired became my first published book. Which only encouraged the herd of dragons who line my office shelves. They all want stories about them.
I tried to count how many, and it’s at least 53. Trouble is they giggle and hide. So I can’t be sure. Wait there’s one in the living room now, by the fireplace. And one on the tea kettle. And one in the china cabinet! How many is that?
What is a big group of dragons called? Online it says they can be a flight or a thunder. Hmm. In my office they mostly sit on shelves and boss me around. Would that be a perch of dragons?
What would you call a lot of dragons?
This time of year, late February, in the BlueGrass of Kentucky can be dark and rainy. Which it is. When that happens, my dragons get bored. They decided to do this blog, which is way better than chasing the cats. But they can’t agree on what should be in it. Can you help?
Dragon Scribe