Good Pink Morning! The Gargoyle Cafe is Open. 19 June 2021

The thunderstorm last night left a pink sky this morning. The sun broke through leaving just a bit of fog over the river. So the Gargoyle Cafe is open.
The Gargoyle Cafe got started early this spring when the squirrels were eating the buds off the pear tree. Peanuts seemed like a good trade to divert the little furries from stripping the tree. It worked. The squirrels became the first customers for the cafe. They prefer walk-in to reservations, sometimes party of three, more often table for one.

Then the birds discovered the cafe. At first blue jays showed up. They who have a lot to say and are good customers all day long. But they too will not make reservations.

Then cardinals joined the jays and the squirrels. Still nobody making reservations.

Reservations fell apart; so Ratchett moved from maitre d’ to simply supervising from the kitchen window. Someone has to.