Goosed, Geesed, Mugged
3July 2013
Yesterday The Prince Consort and I went to Laurel River Lake to ‘fish’. (TPC has caught 4.5 fish in three years.) As we were winding up the day, we idled into a cove and attracted the attention of a flock of Canada Geese. Unlike last week’s geese who kept their distance, this week’s charged up to the boat for free eats.
Attack! |
Get out the bread or prepare to be boarded. |
You in the boat, start tossing the bread! |
I’m not kidding. You in the boat, give me bread, and give it to me now!
Not the tidiest stale bread eater in the world. |
Kath who does not critique eating techniques since she has never dined at a Mexican restaurant and not gone home without salsa all down her shirt.