Rufus: Just Saying: Hot-Muggy Digging and Dragon Summer!

DadPeople is still working on making walls for a garden terrace. Which means we dig up stones. He piles them on the ground. I test to see if they’ll fall over. He piles them up again. He empties really nice dirt between the first long pile of rocks and the second. But I’m not allowed to dig in it. Sigh.
Then he goes to the garden store and comes back with plants. Which is weird since we already have a lot of plants. I supervise. Well, sometimes I go into the woods and make sure the squirrels stay up in the trees. Somebody has to.
It wears me out. So I take naps while DadPeople plays in the dirt I’m not allowed in.
MomPeople is inside doing stuff like ‘proofing’ her book about dragons. I’m not sure what that means. Probably means looking for escaped dragons. She should come outside with us. I found this dragon in the flower pot.
That’s a joke. DadPeople says that’s a SnapDragon flower. It’s not a real dragon. I think.
But there’s another one. I stay away from him. He hides in the grass. I think he really did escape from MomPeople’s office full of dragons.
NikkiCat probably let him out. He sits by the storm door and glares at me now that he’s not allowed ‘OWT’ because there are so many coyotes.
NikkiCat says I’m wrong, and this is what ‘proofing’ looks like. Cats make up stuff all the time. I still think it means the dragons escaped, and Nikki let them out!
[All photos used in are the sole property of Kath Marsh. Not for public use. Not to be reprinted.]