While DadPerson, Hank, and I were busy burying the new shade tree in the corral, the cats were up to no good. They stole the ‘dragon tree’ from the living room and hid it in the garage.
I know. I objected to having the Christmas tree stripped and changed into a ‘dragon tree.’ The thing is: I’m a genius, and I came up with a totally awesome idea for the ‘dragon tree.’

DAWG TREAT TREE! I’d have MomPerson replace the dragons with Dawg Treats! Hank and I could pick off treats whenever we want. Tell me that’s not the best idea in the world!!
But before I could talk to MomPerson … the dragons were back in MomPerson’s office, and the tree was in the garage, where it hangs out most of the year. And it’s covered with a plastic tarp, so there’s no way to get Dawg Treats hung on it.

Those Cats! They just wanted the chairs where they nap put back in front of the windows where the tree had been standing. Cats!

I’m going to steal that stupid un-stuffed raggedy duck Zoe-cat drags around and … hide it. Stupid Cats.

Just Saying
Rufus and Hank