Can you believe it? Zoey-cat thinks she’s a hunter. She’s a CAT! I am an American Fox Hound! I’m the trained hunter around here.
Okay, before she moved in with her offspring- Tucker and Ratchett—she had to feed her kittens and herself. Mom said she saw Zoe hunt. But that was a million years ago! Now all she does is lounge in the sunroom and watch out the windows.

I may have to teach Tucker and Ratchett to hunt all by myself.
Starting with this—Tucker-cat thinks this is hunting in the grass. Grass grown in an old litter box!

This is hunting in grasses.

And the cats are way too quiet! I have to teach them proper howling!

This is just embarrassing. After I finished this morning’s class, Tucker caught her stuffed mouse and Ratchett his stuffed parrot. Really? Hunting?

Zoey went off to nap on the window chair. Tucker is mocking me from her hideout. Hunters don’t nap and they don’t hide!

Fine. Hank needs me to teach Him about hunting. When I found him hanging with the deer while she ate up all the birdseed, I knew it was time to train him. He’s a dog. He’ll do much better at this.
Just Saying,