Everybody knows dogs are the best. Especially the best at going to the Vet. You can see in this photo how Hank and I talk calmly with DadPerson about our Vet appt. We are very reasonable. We got in the SUV, went to see the doc, came home, and got a treat. Got a TREAT! How smart are we?
The cats … I shake my head. They go about this vet stuff all wrong.

MomPerson put the cats’ carriers in the sunroom for like three days ahead. Somebody told MomPerson they’d get used to the carriers and be calmer. Really? Cats are not that stupid. They started planning evasive maneuvers as soon as they saw the carriers.
MomandDadPersons started getting serious about being ready for the cats’ vet appointment the night before. MomPerson closed the doors to every room she could, to narrow down where the cats could hide. You’d think MomandDadPersons would be better at this since they have been cat-parents for years.
So, cages in the sunroom. Doors closed to bedrooms. How did the PeoplePersons think the cats wouldn’t know?
Hank bet me that MomandDadPersons would try to round up the cats two hours ahead of the appointment. I bet on an hour, I came closest. About 40 minutes before time to drive to the vet, MomPerson managed to get Zoey and Tucker into a carrier. She was only bleeding from one medium scratch. Two cats captured, and one to go.
Now came the good part. MomandDadPersons had Ratchett ‘cornered’ in the big bedroom. Under the bed. Big mistake. MomPerson reached as far as she could underneath and got a hand on Ratch twice, but he squirmed away. Then she got serious. Down on her knees, she started pulling out all the storage boxes from under the bed. I thought she was going to crawl under.
Big disappointment when she just reached again for Ratch. She did race around the bed, but always too late. DadPerson got the dust mop and tried to herd Ratch toward MomPerson with it. Of course, Ratch just scooted away. Then Mom got serious. She rolled up the bedroom rug, dragged it back, and pulled the chest away from the end of the bed. A whole new side to reach under. She still couldn’t grab him.
Now her face was red. Not a good sign. She pulled the bed away from the wall. She’s pretty strong when she’s determined. Ratch made the mistake of huddling against the wall where she could finally nab him.
Now all three cats were in the carriers. MomPerson was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, even though the bleeding had mostly stopped by the time they loaded the carriers in the car.
This is what the bedroom looked like after MomPerson tore it apart chasing Ratchett. I think she should have made him put everything back,

Like I said. Dogs are Smart and get treats for going to the vet. Cats are NOT and get chased.
Just Saying,
Rufus and Hank