MomPerson says this afternoon there will be an eclipse. MomPerson didn’t have to tell, because I saw the Eclipse Tails this morning! Obviously Space Aliens are involved in all this!! Easter’s Tails were a warning! I’ll be ready to bark this afternoon.

At least it’s not raining. It rained a lot last week. So much MomPerson made me put on the rain coat. Last time Hank wore it. I didn’t do anything wrong that she knows about. So why me?
Here I am in that rain coat. As you can see, Hank ran away so he wouldn’t be next. He was laughing. I WILL steal his chewy bone!

MomPerson needs a lot of convincing when she gets an idea in her head.
So I headed outside to show her it wouldn’t work.
It kind of did keep the rain off, but still…
It was time for breakfast, and I showed DadPerson how bad a hooded coat is for eating.

No one paid attention, so I had to talk to DadPerson and MomPerson. They finally took it off.

It might disappear from the coat rack before the next rain.
Just Saying:
Rufus and Hank