A very peculiar thing happens almost every Saturday at our house. Mom and DadPersons watch FSU Football on the big TV. They get very excited. They even make a chopping motion with their arms and yell “Florida State, Florida State, Florida State.”
And they have this interesting doll and wooden horse by the big TV. And flags with a very impressive Seminole Indian pictured on them.
Ooops, Zoey-Cat says not to call it a doll. She inspected and says the horse is the wooden toy horse that Professor Daughter rode when she was little, but that it’s been renamed “Renegade” which is the very cool Appaloosa horse that Chief Osceola from FSU rides. So that means the ‘doll’ is a version of Chief Osceola. Zoey is very proper about getting the names of things right.

So I asked Zoey-Cat why Mom and DadPersons put the horse and rider and flags by the TV. And why the fuss about ‘FSU Football?’
Zoey-Cat asked if I knew what FSU Football was?
Well, I’m smart so I said, “Ball game played all wrong.”
She gave me her ‘you’re a crazy dog’ look. So I explained. “It’s wrong because there are no dogs to catch the balls, or run with them, or leave them in the middle of a pile of leaves.”
She gave me her ‘you’re a crazy crazy dog’ look and went upstairs to nap.

Here’s the proof. This is DadPerson and Hank playing ‘ball.’ The ball is small so you can carry it in your mouth. FSU Football uses a big awkward ball so sometimes they have to kick it in the air, but never into a pile of leaves. Maybe that’s what Mom and DadPersons are yelling about. Trying to tell Florida State how DadPerson and Hank play ball.
I think Hank and I should write letter.
Just Saying,
Rufus and Hank