Hank is a good dog. Almost as good as I am. In the mornings we do the perimeter check together. I’m checking for bears and foxes. Hank (on the right) is behind me looking at deer poop. Not that deer poop isn’t delicious, but we have a job to do.

He’s also not a winter dog. He decided that on Christmas. Annette and Rex sent him a Christmas present, which he dragged outside in our corral to open undisturbed. He dragged it back into our cozy house faster than he went out.

He pointed out that it was not just snowy

but icy COLD outside! He gets a little crazy-dog. Suddenly he was sure the next Ice Age was here. That Global Freezing had taken over the world!

Then he barked until he was almost a horse (hoarse?). MomPerson had to explain and explain when we rode past this field. He saw what he was sure was snow falling/flying UP into the sky. I’m a Fox Hound, a hunter. I knew the truth. We were looking at Snow Geese, no snow.
He’s calmer today even with the left over snow from yesterday. Mostly because he’s sleeping in front of the fire.
And I am not going to show him the bird bath. The faucet that is NOT connected to anything, just stuck in the water, has frozen water spewing out. Global Freezing?

Just Saying,
Rufus and Hank