Hank and I are the official Guard Dogs of our home.
One of the things we are in charge of is watching for the Spring Flowers. A very big job.
I am ready for Spring and have been reporting on the flowers that are already here.
Hank is concentrating on the greening grass next to the porch. He has taken on ‘grazing’ on it so it doesn’t get tall. DadPerson will not need to mow it, ever!

The First Spring Flowers are here! Which means when I do my morning perimeter walk, I have to inspect many flowering trees, bushes, and flowers.
The azaleas are just beginning to flower, kind of shy.

The Forsythia are just peeking out too.

The Red Maple is going to be VERY red soon.

The Harbor Magnolia is going to catch up and be covered in blossoms.

The rose bushes are working on it. I checked.

The Lenten Roses always surprise us. They beat the Daffodils this year.

Daffodils: my favorites! They are everywhere! I think some very industrious squirrels planted them.
Here by the back deck.

Here under a tree way in the back of the yard.

Here in the woods.

I love their cheerful yellow faces. Hank would too if he’d stop eating the grass.
Just Saying,
Rufus and Hank