When Mom and DadPeople found me, or I found them, I was very hungry. I had never had very much or even enough food. Mom and DadPeople have ever since made sure I get plenty.
The veterinarian says Hank and I are ‘overweight’ which means smaller meals. I still like Dr. Heidi, but …
But food will always be very important to me. VERY. I am what is called ‘food motivated.’ When Hank didn’t finish his dinner fast enough last night, I picked a fight to claim it. Not a good idea. Mom and DadPeople were very mad.

And then there are Treats! Those were something I’d never had before Mom and DadPeople. I LOVE treats. Mom and DadPeople give us delicious ones. Last summer MomPerson made our treats. She didn’t buy them. She baked them all by herself! Oh, boy!
And then she found recipes online and showed them to DadPerson, who is the real CookerPerson in the family. He liked the Homemade Dog Food approved by Vets! DadPerson is very creative. He decided he would make Hank and my food.
Oh boy is it good! Hank used to take a long time eating his store-bought kibble. Now he gobbles his food as fast as I do, most of the time. All that good food goes in our tummies and fills me up.

I feel good. Hank feels good. Mom and DadPeople feel good.
Here’s the weird thing. They are as excited about the food we eat up as they are about the processed dinner we poop out. Look how they mark our poop efforts out in the yard. Blue Flags everywhere.

If it makes them happy, that’s great. I just think my flags should have a big R on them so they can be extra proud of me. Maybe I’ll get an extra treat.
Just Saying,
Rufus and Hank