Hank and I are reading Momperson’s new book—The MISadventures of Bubbles and Smush, https://amzn.to/3ZbKwMK.
We’re going slowly mainly because Hank wants to try out everything that Bubbles and Smush do. Which is silly. First—we don’t have a river like the Barforami live in. Except it’s been raining a lot, and there’s a spring that appears in the forest when it rains—lots. Where the grumpy bear lives.
Maybe not.

So we went in all the closets, like book’s first story—‘Closet Monsters’, but no monsters. So we read the next — ‘Trick or Treats.’ Neither of us are allowed to cook stuff like Bubbles, BUT I think we should do Halloween costumes, because Halloween is next month and if we have cool costumes we can get cool dog treats.
We dug through the hula skirts in Granddadperson Col. Clancy’s trunk. Guess what was on the bottom!! Different kinds of skirts. These are so cool. They’re from Mexico! A long time ago.

There’s a photo of Grandmomperson Mary Ann as a teen wearing them. Sparkly with sequins! Love sparkly. Now we just need to talk Momperson into helping us get them on without the sequins falling off. They can get stuck on wagging tails. Hank says.
I’m going to wear the big one because I’m an American Fox Hound with nice long legs. So I can do long skirts. Hank has shorter legs so he gets the smaller skirt with the Mexican Eagle. It’s super cool. I let you know how it goes.
Just Saying:
Rufus and Hank