Hank and I are waiting for the release of Momperon’s new book-MISadventures of Bubbles and Smush on (Talk Like a Pirate Day) 19 September 2023. The Hungry Pirates story is going to be our favorite. To get ready, we’ve borrowed a stuffed parrot and two scarves to wear like pirates.

We don’t quite have the talking like a Pirate part down. That’s hard with a ‘bark-accent’ than you’d think. We were going to work on it today, but yesterday Hank brought me a piece of paper from the Momperson’s recycle basket. It was a discarded page from the Hungry Pirates story, and it was about Pirate Treasure!
We are very smart, so we figured that Momperson wrote about a real treasure, and since she hasn’t buried anything outside or been on a pirate ship this summer, we know the pirate chest is in the house. The problem is there are lots of chests.
This one has tablecloths in it. We opened it and found a lot of fabric squares. Hank says that people put them on tables before they eat. And if you tug just right, you can pull the cloth and the food off really quickly and get a head start before Momperson chases you. Or the cats.

This one has blankets in it. The cats jumped in when we opened it, and we got it closed again before they jumped out. I’ll go back and let them out in a little bit.

Not sure this is a chest at all, but it was disgusting. Filled with cat stuff. Yuck!

When we got upstairs, we found two treasure chests, both right near Momperson’s desk! But this one is guarded by a bunch of little stuffed guys that Momperson said we were not to eat.

This one has bigger, stuffed guys guarding it. I think the snowman growled at me. Maybe later.

I think it’s this one. It belonged to Momperson’s dad. He was a USMC Colonel. He took this footlocker with him when he traveled all over the world and when he went to Stanford University. He was very smart. He’d know where a treasure was.

Or we could wait for the MISadventures of Bubbles and Smush to release on Amazon, and we’ll read the whole story and find the real treasure chest. Pretty sure.
Just Saying: Ahoy Matey!
Rufus and Hank.