Hank and I could hardly wait for today. Momperson’s MISadventures of Bubbles and Smush book comes out, and we’re going to find out everything about the pirate treasure. And it better be better than what we found yesterday.

Looking for pirate treasure in the house, we opened Momperson’s father’s old old footlocker/chest and this is the treasure we found.
At first we thought the cattle next door left hay. Then we found out these are ‘hula skirts’ from when US Marine Clancy visited Hawaii before it was a USA state. That was a long time ago. Maybe during pirate times? But what kind of treasure is a grass skirt? Not edible, unless we take it to the cattle. Not a toy, unless we play tug of war, but I’m guessing Momperson would not like that. Not really valuable to us dogs.
But Hank got another idea. He said we should look into the Bubbles and Smush story about flying. He’s sure if Barforami can fly, so can we. After all Barforami not only look a lot like hippopotami, but are the same size only with long ears. So if they can fly, so can Hank and I. Now that would be cool!
Right next to the footlocker with Hawaiian treasure, I found wings! They belonged to Professordaughter Jessecae when she was young. I didn’t know she could fly!
Hank will try them on first. Tell you how that goes later.

I hear Momperson downstairs. Something about her new Bubbles and Smush Book. It’s here!
Just Saying,
Rufus and Hank