So Dadpereson loaned us his ‘Dracula’ cape for our Halloween costume. Sigh. Turns out DadPerson is tall and the cape was too long. I was first to try wearing it. I have long American Fox Hound legs, so… not long enough. The cape dragged and got caught on the porch column. Or Hank stepped on it. But it tore off and maybe there’s a tear in the nice red liner. We gave it back.

So we sat around thinking. Hank pointed out the scarecrow. I thought he wanted to borrow its clothes, but he just barked about how scary it was. And how he didn’t remember it having that mask on before. And when we sniffed it, there was something … wrong, scary …

Whenever something mysterious happens around here, I check out the cats first. Besides I remember the three of them staring out the family room window at the scarecrow a few days ago. Suspicious.
So we started our investigations. It took a while but we found Ratchett. He wasn’t talking about the scarecrow, He just stared at us all sneaky like. And he purred!!!

Tucker growled so we left fast. She did it! But why put the scary mask on the scarecrow? What else did she do to it to make smell so scary?
No. Wait. Zoey! Look! She’s talking to that witch in the front room. They did it!

Or it was all three of them? They’re back staring out the window at the scarecrow. I’ve got the shivers. They’re just like the three witches from Macbeth!

They aren’t going to scare us. We’ll stay in on Halloween, guard our treats, and let MomPerson read to us from one of her new books. Her books are a little spooky, but not as much as the cats.
Becoming: Blood Angel https://bit.ly/471YXWf

Assassins’ Guide to Dealing with Ghouls https://bit.ly/476m7uM.

Just Saying,
Rufus and Hank