Letters from Earth: Rufus- Just Saying
20 June 2022
Summer YAY! Nap time Book, Double YAY!
So it’s summer, everything is green, and rolling is perfect.
Okay it’s noisy outside. A LOT of birds. MomPerson insists on feeding them. They made nests in the ferns on my front porch and of course had babies. Professor Daughter and Joe made MomPerson a bird house.

Hank really likes the birdhouse. He likes bright colorful things and declared this the best birdhouse in the world. The birds agreed. No sooner did DadPerson put it up on the gazebo, than there were residents, and then eggs, and now baby birds. More noise. Oh, well, I can always bark louder when I patrol our yard.
DadPerson, Hank, and I are very busy outdoors. MomPerson is busy indoors. Yeah. She’s writing another Young Adult Fantasy. She calls it Blood Angel #2. She promised it would be just as exciting as #1 and funnier. Hurry up, MomPerson.
She put her very first Young Adult fantasy up on Amazon- Ascent from Hell: the Blood Angel https://amzn.to/3yZm8mu. I was reading it to Hank, but I had to take our copy away from him so he wouldn’t eat it. He’s a ruffian.

It’s a good adventure. See this demon Abdriel and her lieutenant Mudge have to escape Hell. They stole a powerful magic book and are looking for the sorcerer-author who can give Abdriel so much power she can go back to Hell and be the boss. No one ever escapes Hell, but they do! Everything’s going to be great, right? Nope!
It’s like when you tree a squirrel. You know where your prey is, but then he slips away. You have to get a new plan. You can’t fail! Abdriel keeps going, keeps meeting ‘people’ who get in her way-like the sorority of non-humans- The Sisterhood. Or the Hunter Angels who want Abdriel dead, not because she’s an escaped demon but because she’s… a surprise. And of course the Dread Lord comes up from Hell to grab Abdriel. And … I haven’t finished it yet.
Excuse me. It’s nap time, and I hid my copy of Ascent from Hell: the Blood Angel so Hank wouldn’t gnaw on it. When he starts snoring, it’ll be time to dig it out of my pile of blankets on my cot and read. Where was I? Were the Sisters helping Abdriel? What about those two minor demons someone let loose from Hell? One of them is not right.
Just Saying,
All photos are the property of Kath Boyd Marsh. Neither text nor photos may be copied or otherwise used without the written permission of Kath Boyd Marsh