I study paintings very hard, don’t chew on the frames, and don’t pee on them. I know what is good art. Not like Hank who Loves velvet paintings of cats playing poker, which is silly. Now if it was dogs … Anyway MomPerson and I, and even Hank, have a favorite painting in the house. I appreciate it because it’s a very beautiful painting of two Paint horses. And everybody knows American Fox Hounds like me are big fans of horses.

MomPerson loves the painting because her GrandPeople, who homesteaded Arizona, gave it to her. They loved the Territory where GreatGrandPeople Jesse was born, that became the State of Arizona. And they were friends with the Arizona artist who painted the picture. Very cool.
Hank loves the picture because it makes him laugh. He knows nothing about art! He says it’s a picture of a horse with two rumps—rear ends! He laugh-barks so hard he has to roll on his back. Which he loves to do anyway.

Look at it! See! There are two horses. One sort of standing behind the other. It is not a single horse with two rears. Although it would be pretty interesting and maybe a little funny if it was. Maybe.

I declare it a great painting of two beautiful horses. So there! I wish we could meet the horses so I could prove to Hank how Silly he is!
Just Saying,
Rufus and very silly Hank.