Hank and I have been very busy. As you can see, we are still taking care of our home. Plenty to sniff out, patrol. Here I am leading Hank out of Dadperson’s workshop. You can only supervise a human for so long before you need to go OUT… and find the Momperson in case she has peanut butter-iced dog cookies.
Momperson is very busy now being an Independently Published Author. I asked what that meant, but it has nothing to do with getting paid in peanut butter.
She asked me to post about her books. My first post is Welcome to the World of Fantasy. I am very creative like Momperson who is the scribe/writer of the children’s fantasy adventures in the Bumblespells stories.

I’ve decided to start my post with a joke. Fox Hound jokes are the best.
What is Hank and my favorite tree? (It is Not, as Dadperson says,—any tree we can pee on.)
Real Answer- Dogwoof. And I did not misspell Dogwood. Get the Joke?
Here’s the two big white Dogwoofs outside Hank and my house. There are more in our woods, and no, we do not ‘mark’ every single one. Not every day.

That’s a lot of blogging. Time for a play-tug-o-war break. I almost win when Momperson showed up. She picked up my mostly blank blog paper and shook her head. Then she put two peanut-butter cookies back in her pocket until “a certain slacker finishes his Welcome to Bumblespells World of Fantasy post.” Hank dropped the tug-o-war rope blog and gave me a nudge, in case I didn’t understand she meant no cookies until I finished my blog.
Here goes. Our house is full of magical beings. Momperson writes stories and books about them. Remember, I said she’s the scribe who records the Bumblespells stories about dragons—both lazy and fierce, a girl wizard who bumbles spells until the right magic happens, warrior faeries, mean witches, and a couple of very odd creatures named Bubbles and Smush. They make me laugh. I think they’re related to hippopotamuseseses. She even writes a series about a demon who is not very good at being evil, but very good at getting into trouble with the Dread Lord. And about a sorority made up of all kinds of mythical and magical beings who help her out—unicorns, gargoyles, good witches, shapeshifters, Reapers, Banshees …
Did you notice? Momperson’s books are missing a very important fantastical being—Dog Tree-Guardians. Me and Hank can tell her all about them since we are the first. We not only mark trees to ward away intruders, but we are keeping special watch on the big tree in front and its adopted baby pine tree. Adopted trees are very rare, and definitely from the land of the Faeries.
This is the adoptive momma tree. Tell me she doesn’t look magical!

This is its adopted baby pine tree, up in Momma’s branches.

Which is your favorite fantastical creature? I bet you vote for Dog Tree-Guardians. Which means Momperson should write a story about us and the magical tree, right?
Think this post will get us two peanut butter cookies?