Momperson has a new YA book! Just in time for Halloween! Scary with a little bit of funny. You know what is way more scary? The photo Hank has of a Ghoul! More on that later.
Momperson always wanted to write YA books. When she thought up Abdriel—High Demon and Blood Angel and her lieutenant Mudge, she had a story. Two stories—more?. The first book is:
Becoming: Blood Angel Book One of Abdriel’s Guides to Everything. https://amzn.to/46yTTsp

Mudge is in BIG trouble, and this time so is his guardian–High Demon Abdriel Mallack. It’s time to flee Hell. It’s time to find the Blood Angel and return to Hell with so much Power, that Abdriel will be able to take over!
For centuries Lilith’s Sisterhood, a sorority of warriors, has been training and waiting for Abdriel to come to Earth. They know about the powerful Blood Angel Abdriel seeks. Will they help Abdriel get power? What will be the price for that help?
Now Book Two is out!! More adventure. More witches, gargoyles, dragons, shapeshifters, demons …. Assassins’ Guide to Dealing with Ghouls—Book Two of Abdriel’s Guides to Everything. https://amzn.to/3Q3OX8b

High Demon/ Blood Angel Abdriel and her lieutenant Mudge team up once again with the Sisterhood to handle a dangerous paranormal situation. What starts as spying on Witch Hazel’s boyfriend becomes a real business opportunity for Abdriel’s new Assassins business. And ends with something very surprising about Mudge and Chester’s new friend Pansy.
Here’s that scariest part. This is Hank’s photo of a GHOUL!!! From our backyard. I’m a little skeptical. I’ll know for sure if this is what a Ghoul looks like when I finish reading the books. But does it remind you of something? Hopefully not a Ghoul?

Just Saying,
Rufus and Hank