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C is for Cowboys

C is for Cowboys

Rufus: Just Saying: A-Z: C is for Cowboys3 April 2015 I know I’m getting closer to that Purple Dragon! The CowBoy Pocket Dragons will...

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B is for Bird Watcher

B is for Bird Watcher

Rufus Just Saying: A-Z #2: B is for Bird Watcher2 April 2015  To hunt down that Purple Dragon, I started with this Bird Watcher Pocket...

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Movie Stars?

Movie Stars?

Rufus: Just Saying: Movie Stars? 18 March 2015 Rufus here. Ranger sent me the cover for his ArferMomPeople’s (Ally Shields) new book. It...

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MomPeople is an Arfer?

MomPeople is an Arfer?

MomPeople is an Arfer?21 February 2015   There was big excitement this week. Not just the SNOW!!! MomPeople was all in a tizzy about...

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