Fish and Cut Bait12 June 2014We went fishing. The Prince Consort caught and released baby fish. As Ally Shields posited, this was to teach them not...
Breaking News…
Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Me!
Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Me! 4 June 2014Fellow blogger and Author Ally Shields nominated me to...
Dog Day of Summer
Dog Day of Summer1 June 2014It was a long cold winter. Which Rufus, our American Fox Hound, enjoyed thoroughly. He LOVES snow. But then the wild...
Crabby 27 May 2014I’m crabby. My computer is sick, AGAIN. I’m tired of spending hours on the phone with patient techs. I’m tired of going to...
Better Fishermen
Better Fishermen20 May 2014We went to Live Oak Island to vacation because The Prince Consort loves fishing. He did catch fish. But he was surrounded...
Best/ Worst Vacation Photograph Ever!
Best/ Worst Vacation Photograph Ever! 14 May 2014We just got back from a lovely vacation on Live Oak Island. The house has a pool. I swam and...
Easy Blog Post?
Easy Blog Post? 28 April 2014My friend and critiquing partner, Janet L Buck (AKA Ally Shields Guardian Witch Series
Substitue Bunny Delivers
Substitute Bunny Delivers23 April 2014Clearly there was nothing to worry about when we found the Peeps Easter Bunny flattened in the parking lot. On...
Road Kill Peeps
Road Kill Peeps15 April 2014Job Opening: Easter Bunny Peeps: Applicants apply immediately. This Easter Bunny Peeps was found in a...
Taxes and my Desks
Taxes and my Desks3 April 2014I’m late with my blog this week. That’s all the taxes' fault. I had to start the taxes. ARGH!!! Today is day three of...