Of Critters and Swimming Pools, and Gators 3 June 2012Summer hits and all I can think of is swimming. But we don’t have a swimming pool....
Breaking News…
Red Rover, Red Rover, All the House Over
Red Rover, Red Rover, All the House Over25 May 2012I painted my office red because I love that color. It makes me feel like the possibilities are...
Sunshine on My Mind
Sunshine on My Mind 17 May 2012For Mother’s Day Professor Daughter sent this bit of bright sunshine for my newly red office. She assured me it...
Red is NOT for Nap Monster
Red is Not For Nap Monster9 May 2012When we bought this house, the office was a sophisticated and cozy green. But it inspired me to only one thing-...
Bare Naked Lady
Bare Naked Lady1 May 2012It’s that time of year again. DIY. Also known as when The Prince Consort demonstrates a disconcerting ability to...
A Clowder of One
A Clowder of One24 April 2012We went to Big Bone Lick and all Sam got was this hat. There’s a hole in our house, in our hearts. SamCat died...
Home of the Champion Nappers
Home of the Champion Nappers18 April 2012It’s not that we drove to the Louisville zoo because we were in search of sleeping animals. The Prince...
Pet Peeves: Pushy Cat
Pet Peeves: Pushy Cat 10 April 2012My mother called our Siamese cats, “pushy cats”. Which as a child I thought was the funniest ever play on...
No Fooling, Do NOT Disturb
Not Fooling, Do NOT Disturb1 April 2012For decades it was easy to schedule writing time. I just picked the hours when Professor Daughter didn’t need...
I Love My New iPad, and So Does the Cat
I Love My New iPad, and So Does My Cat25 March 2012I was NOT in love with reading ebooks on my laptop. Nor on the little Sony Reader. Like...