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Occupy Front Woods Crowd

Occupy Front Woods Crowd

Occupy Front Woods Crowd19 January 2012The Occupy Front Woods crowd was pacing for their ration of morning corn early this morning. Good thing I...

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Easily Entertained

Easily Entertained

Easily Entertained17 January 2012Usually grocery shopping is a chore. But today became a treasure hunt for smiles. First we hit the Foreign...

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Backsplashed !2 January 2012 We are fearless Do-It-Yourselfers. The Prince Consort and I have had some pretty impressive successes. Some were...

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Year of the Dragon

Year of the Dragon

Year of the Dragon5 January 2012Time for those New Year resolutions, huh? I resolve to make up my New Year Resolutions by July, or September....

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Do You Know Where They Are?

Do You Know Where They Are?

Do You Know Where They Are? 28 December 2011Sounds like I’m off and running on where in the #$$% my #$$#%$% went to this time, huh? Nope....

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The Many Faces of Fog

The Many Faces of Fog

Many Faces of Fog 13 December 2011I love Fog. It comes in many forms. From what you think of in San Francisco, south of where I was born, to the...

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Golfer Turkeys

Golfer Turkeys

Golfer Turkeys 10 December 2011We live across the street from a golf course fairway. Which normally only means the Golfing Fairy leaves random...

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Bachelor Party Santa

Bachelor Party Santa

Bachelor Party Santa6 December 2011So I didn’t get the air cushion Halloween pirate ship, no matter that I dropped the hint in front of The Prince...

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