Trick or Treat Candy Advisory 31 October 2011Sorry Trick or Treaters. I’m way ahead of schedule this year, and the Halloween candy is already eaten....
Breaking News…
Stumbling Around the 21st. Century
Stumbling Around the 21st. Century27 October 2011So our first iPhone arrived.The Prince Consort and I are the last in our family to get one. And...
Mixing it up with Candy Corn
Mixing it up with Candy Corn 20 October 2011It’s been a week since the candy corn took up residence on my desk. And I was doing okay just...
Candy Corn Headache
Candy Corn Headache13 October 2011So I put on so much weight over the last Godiva-stuffed year that the sleek clothes in my closet pushed each other...
Worse than Hot Tunny Casserole, and Better
Worse than Hot Tunny Casserole, and Better6 October 2011Tomorrow is Friday, aka dreaded Hot Tunny Casserole day in my family. But there was a far...
I Hate to Cook
I Hate to Cook 29 September 2011It’s not all the fire’s fault. Although my aversion to home cooking probably started when seventh grade Home...
Bloggity Blog, Piece of Cake my Bloggity Blog
Bloggity Blog, Piece of Cake my Bloggity Blog 24 September 2011A couple of days ago Broom Hilda, comic strip witch, commented on blogs and taking...
Flash Mob
Flash Mob16 September 2011When The Prince Consort and I visited the Grand Canyon, we got to the rim before dawn. As I got out of The Dude (our mini...
Crazy Cat Lady and How I Got There
Crazy Cat Lady and How I Got There9 September 2011I’ve been the personal slave of cats most of my life. The Prince Consort and I had cats from early...
Some Don’t Like it Hot
Some Don’t Like it Hot3 September 2011I do not like it hot. While I find everything in nature beautiful be it a desert or a mountain, I don’t keep...