He said It26 August 2011Because it is my duty to rat The Prince Consort out, I went in the exam room with him on his doctor’s appointment. I swear...
Breaking News…
The rumors of my death
The rumors of my death are somewhat exaggerated19 August 2011In the spirit of butchering my favorite author’s quote, the rumors of my death really...
Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks. 12 August 2011SamCat turned twenty years old last Saturday. Unfortunately he began this new score of years...
Dropping the ‘F’ Bomb
Dropping the ‘F’ Bomb6 August 2011Okay, I’ll admit it. When I’m ticked off I swear like a drunken sailor. I drop the ‘F’ word like I single handedly...
Weighty Solutions
Weighty Solutions29 July 2011I love the tips on the Internet. Okay. I know some of them are meant to be jokes, but then there are the REALLY good...
No $%%^^& Salsa
No $%%^^& Salsa 23 July 2011To all you who have raccoons as pets, ARE YOU INSANE? I live on a forested lot. So yeah, I know I’m...
My Cats on Facebook?
My Cats on Facebook?15 July 2011So I see this article saying one in ten pets is on Facebook. I’m not on Facebook. I have two cats. Does that mean I...
The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, Gang aft agley,
The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley, Robert Burns 8 July 2011I had today all planned out. You’d think I’d know...
WOW!6 July 2011My friend, Patricia has done me the amazing honor of passing to me the Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award. All I have to do to accept is...
Water Torture
Water torture4 July 2011So this morning my walking partner and I told Jill and her owner that Jill looked very festive in her Fourth of July red...