Great and Mighty Wizard interviews Rayne and her new book: Ring of Fire
Great and Mighty Wizard loves to read, not just spell books. She is reading the last of a new trilogy that is just right for her. Witches, Vampires, all kinds of magickal things. Great and Mighty worked on a spell to contact the author Ally Shields. When it worked Great and Mighty asked if she could talk to Rayne Calin-DeLuca, the star of the Guardian Witch Legacy trilogy. When Ally said of course, Great and Mighty spent three days learning to scry with water in one of Cl’rnce’s biggest bowls. And now she is talking to Rayne through the water, it’s almost like being there in person.
Great and Mighty: Hello, Rayne! I can’t tell you how much I love your books. Your mom’s Guardian Witch Series is great, but it was super neat when you got your own YA series! Okay. I’m taking a deep breath now. Scribe Kath is taking down all this to put online so everybody can ‘hear’. I have questions. Had . They … kind of disappeared. Not that I meant for them to, but I still have a bit of trouble Bumblespelling.
Rayne laughing: That’s okay. The twins have torn apart more of my homework assignments in their tug of wars than I’ll ever tell my mother about. I can get us started. First, thank you for liking my books. RING OF FIRE (Guardian Witch Legacy #3) was just released.
Great and Mighty: I love how your trilogy takes you from five years old to eighteen. Which book was your favorite?
Rayne: They’re so different it’s hard to pick. I guess this last one. Maybe because of a certain someone. 🙂 It was also the toughest.
Great and Mighty sighing: I love love in stories. But don’t tell Cl’rnce; he’ll just say I’m silly. Speaking of certain someones—I won’t mention his name for those who haven’t read the book—was your love interest the way you pictured him? Would you change anything?
Rayne: Since he’s totally awesome, what’s to change? He was a huge surprise. I never figured I’d find someone that could compete with my father. 🙂 Even my parents like him. You’ll see why when you read the last book.
Great and Mighty: Do you have siblings?
Rayne: Yes, and no. Remember what I said about the twins? We’re not actually related, but I’ve been raised with the werelion twins, Lex and RJ. We’re tight. Rock solid, and I consider them my brothers. We do most everything together from fighting demons to triple dating.
Great and Mighty: Are you hoping to make an appearance in a sequel or another series?
Rayne: Um, no way. Three books is enough. I have a busy life that leaves no time for fictional adventures. This is it for our entire family and friends. While there are parts of a published life that everyone will miss—like the fan mail—we’re all looking forward to going our own private way.
Great and Mighty nodding: Name three of your favorite things (whether mentioned in the books or not).
Rayne: Pizza, for sure! My terrific boyfriend. And whenever I find time—which I’m afraid isn’t often between ongoing training and new missions—I like to read. And I have to mention my family, my friends, experimenting with magic… Wow, I could go on and on. I really lead an interesting life!
Great and Mighty: You sure do! Before we conclude the interview, what are you allowed to tell about the new release, Ring of Fire?
Book Title: Ring of Fire
Series Name and book #: Guardian Witch Legacy Book Three
Author: Ally Shields
Release Date: May 24, 2019
Publisher: Etopia Press
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Romantic Paranormal/Epic Fantasy
Book length: novel
She stands between a daemon’s revenge and earth’s survival…
With her eighteenth birthday approaching, Rayne Calin-De Luca is feeling the pressure. Marked as the Chosen by an ancient prophecy, she and her parents—Guardian Witch Arianna and vampire prince Andreas—have desperately searched the world for the secrets behind the coming battle, when the ancient plague daemon Maelrad will break loose from Hell to wreak worldwide vengeance. So far, the means to defeat him have eluded them, and the inevitable conflict draws nearer with each passing hour…
As Maelrad’s power grows stronger, the demon’s poison is seeping through the veil and polluting the earth with violence. His minions openly stalk Rayne, her family, and friends. As things turn from bad to worse, Rayne’s confidence wavers. How can one novice witch defeat a centuries-old master daemon? She knows the terms of the prophecies forming the Esielen Triad cannot be changed. Armed only with her magic and a dagger, she is destined to face Maelrad alone.
For fans of kickass witches and the compelling men who fight alongside them comes the final book in the Guardian Witch universe. Ring of Fire winds up the action-packed sequel trilogy to the original series with an explosive conclusion.
Youtube book trailer: https://youtu.be/QdgJCWZhs7E
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S94TWTZ
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/ring-of-fire-33
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ring-of-fire-ally-shields/1131685725?ean=2940161240533
ibookstore: https://books.apple.com/us/book/ring-of-fire/id1465168768
GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Ally_Shields_Ring_of_Fire?id=nt6ZDwAAQBAJ
Etopia Press: https://etopiapressblog.wordpress.com/
(Rayne’s senior party is suddenly interrupted by the baying of hell hounds. Her bodyguard wants her to head home, but Rayne knows she has to keep the hounds away from her human friends until help arrives.)
“You can still protect me. While I chase the hellhounds.” Rayne spun away and ran toward the Goshen Park fence before Kade changed his mind. The hounds were still inside the park but headed this way. Unless she stopped or distracted them, the devil’s spawn would sail right over the fence and create a bloodbath. Maybe all she’d have to do was let them see her, then run like the wind. Or she could fry them with witch fire. Except she’d never actually used the crimson fire on anyone. Stunners, yes, but never the lethal level of magical fire.
She gathered herself to vault the tall fence, hands on top, then one foot to push off and land on the far side. As soon as they reached the trees, Kade and the lions shifted into their furry forms. They could have easily outrun her, but they stayed close, the lions winging out to the sides and Kade taking point. The baying of the hounds grew louder. Rayne moved toward the sound, angling north through the deepest part of the woods. The creatures had probably picked up her scent by now, and she slowed, waiting for them to appear. Kade, RJ, and Rex closed in, forming a line as they waited.
One, two, three seconds.
The first black demon dog bounded into sight. Rayne knocked it back with a blue stunner. It yipped and fell, just as the rest of the pack crashed out of the underbrush. Rayne and her bodyguards whirled and ran toward the west gate and home. Hopefully, her parents would find them soon.
The hounds took the bait. The chase led them away from the party on the river bank, but the creatures drew closer with every passing second. Rayne didn’t have the speed or stamina to outrun a hellhound. They’d soon have to stand and fight.
Suddenly Kade broke off and turned as if to attack the closing pack.
“No, Kade!” Rayne screamed. “That’s suicide. The fountain’s just ahead. We can defend it.”
He growled as if in protest, but fell into step behind her, guarding the flank, and followed as she sprinted toward the swan-shaped west fountain.
The water was turned off for the night, and Rayne scrambled over the stone seating and low wall, splashed through the shallow water, and climbed onto the back of the swan. Steadying herself with one hand on the swan’s neck, she shot a short burst of crimson fire at the hellhound leader nipping at Kade’s heels. The leader yipped, whined, and rolled over, biting frantically at the flames, and his pack mates hesitated long enough for Lex, RJ, and Kade to form a line of defense on top of the stone seating.
Published works by Ally Shields:
Awakening the Fire (Guardian Witch 1)
Fire Within (Guardian Witch 2)
Burning Both Ends (Guardian Witch 3)
Blood and Fire (Guardian Witch 4)
Fire Storm (Guardian Witch 5)
Wild Fire (Guardian Witch 6)
Eternal Fires (Guardian Witch 7)
Embers of Fire (Guardian Witch Legacy 1)
Search for Fire (Guardian Witch Legacy 2)
Ring of Fire (Guardian Witch Legacy 3)
Cross Keys (An Elvenrude Novel)
Cross Keys: Revelation (Elvenrude Trilogy Novel 2)
Cross Keys: Unity (Elvenrude Trilogy Novel 3)
Ghost Walking (Maggie York Paranormal Mystery 1)
Ghost Witching (Maggie York Paranormal Mystery 2)
Ghost Haunting (Maggie York Paranormal Mystery 3)
About the Author:
Author’s Bio
Ally Shields is a Midwestern writer with a love for mystery and the paranormal. Following a career in law and juvenile justice, she took up full-time writing. In 2012 her first urban fantasy was published, and she has a total of sixteen titles to date. Shields loves to travel and often makes use of those settings in her novels. She welcomes reader contact. You can reach her via her website, Facebook or Twitter (@ShieldsAlly).
Author contact links:
Website: http://allyshields.com
Blog: http://allyshields.com/blog.html
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ShieldsAlly
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllyShieldsAuthor
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6527209.Ally_Shields
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Ally-Shields/e/B009AKNDZU
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Email Newsletter: http://www.allyshields.com/contact-menewsletter.html