Rufus is taking the day to sniff out some extremely interesting trails across the back yard. He’s a big fan of Janet L. Buck’s fantasy series (written as Ally Shields- https://allyshields.com/
But Rufus and his ‘brother’ Hank are really mystery and history buffs. So when they heard me say that my critique partner, Jan, had a contract for a series of Regency historical mystery books, they allowed as how it would be okay for me to read them to them. Nothing better on a hot summer day!
Here’s the author herself!
Kath: Jan, welcome. I’m so glad you’ve come to talk about your new series. I have iced coffee, iced tea, and regular coffee to take out to the gazebo for our talk. But warning: the wrens in the new birdhouse will check us out for strands of hair for their nest. They’ve pulled six off me. So you might want to wear one of these brimmed hats.

Jan: Thank you for having me. I’d loved a mug of black coffee, and I certainly will borrow a hat! How pleasant it is in your gazebo.
Kath: Please tell us a bit about your first Viscount Ware Regency mystery, and when it will release.
Jan: I loved writing these books!
The Dead Betray None begins in 1811 when England is at war with France, facing the threat of revolutionaries at home, and on the verge of open conflict with America. Lucien Grey, Viscount Ware, has been on the Continent, secretly spying for the Crown the last four years. Returning to England, he swiftly becomes bored with his leisurely life. Then a French spy carrying a vital dispatch is killed, and the document which could mean the difference between victory or defeat for Wellington’s army is stolen by a band of thieves.
Lucien accepts the mission from the War Offices at Whitehall to find the dispatch, but he did not expect the perilous complications that would lead him from London’s crime world to polite society’s ballrooms and even into the shadows of the very government he serves.
The book is up for pre-order and will release on July 12.
Kath: How did you pick the mystery for your Book One?
Jan: I knew I wanted to bring Lucien’s spying history into the mystery. When I read about the Grand Chiffre, Napoleon’s spy code that was supposed to be unbreakable, I knew I wanted to center the story around the hunt for a key that would break it. I allowed my imagination to run from there.
Kath: I noticed that unlike your fantasies you have written this series from a male Point Of View. Why did you make that choice?
Jan: A good question, and I’m not sure I have a good answer. Lucien presented himself to me as a full-blown character, complete with history. I just had to tell his story. And you’ll probably notice that Lady Anne Ashburn has a prominent place in all the books and chapters written from her POV, so I haven’t deserted the theme of writing about strong women.
Kath: I understand Book Two is already written. Could you tell us a bit about it? And if Three is on its way, could you tell us a bit about it as well?
In Book Two, The Dead Cannot Hide, Lucien’s grandmother asks him to find a missing village girl. Of course, the search for her becomes much more complex, including a plot against the Crown. It is written, edited, and scheduled for release in February 2023.
Book Three, The Dead Came Calling, puts Lucien’s friend and partner Andrew Sherbourne in the hot seat. He is accused of murder and trying to stay one step ahead of the Bow Street Runners. Lucien discovers he will go to almost any length to save a friend. It too is written, edited, and scheduled for release in July 2023.
Kath: I know you did a ton of research for these mysteries. Is there one fact you discovered that really surprised you about this period in England?
Jan: Oh, so many. You’re right about the research. I’ve perused dozens of websites, studied umpteen maps, and have an entire storage cart of books! I have been fascinated by the Regency Era for years, and the overall attitudes and behaviors were familiar to me. It was the smaller incidents like the Great Beer Flood of 1814 (which you can be sure will be mentioned in a future book) that were so intriguing. A huge wooden barrel holding 320,000 gallons burst, sending a 15-foot wave of beer into nearby London streets and drowning 8 people. To add to the tragedy, a 9th person died of alcohol poisoning. From a different perspective, a lot of people had a big party that night and free beer on their tables for days.
Or maybe I should talk about the brutality of the Radcliffe Killer who terrorized London or the assassination of a Prime Minister – but then those incidents and others are already mentioned in my books! 😊
Kath: Would you give us a hint about Book 4, before you go? And will there be more?
Jan: Book 4, The Dead Sang Off Key, begins with Lady Anne staying at the seaside. She finds the body of a young woman, but it disappears before she returns with the authorities, and no one believes her. She writes to Lucien for advice, and, of course, he arrives to help her figure it out.
As for more Lord Ware books, I’d be delighted. My editor has asked if I was interested, and I plan to begin a fifth book soon. But as always, publication will depend on how well the first books sell and the reviews they receive.
Kath: Thank you for coming. I’ve pre-ordered my Kindle copy!
Jan: Thank you so much! It has been a pleasure being with you today. And let me take this opportunity to put in a plug for your latest novel, a YA fantasy entitled Ascent From Hell. Despite the title, readers will be surprised by the strong thread of humor.
Also by the author: Sixteen fantasies written under the pen name of Ally Shields, including The Guardian Witch series, The Maggie York Trilogy, and the Elvenrude Triology. Available at Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Ally-Shields/e/B009AKNDZU), Kobo, and other online bookstores.