Rufus: Just Saying: Another cool book for Middle Grade readers!
The Horses of Lost Valley
Aileen Kilgore Henderson (1921- ) is an award-winning children’s author. Her first novel for children, The Summer of the Bonepile Monster, was published in 1995, when she was 74 years old. She has published three more children’s books and two memoirs since that time.
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Hi, Ms. Aileen! I hope your winter is as warm as ours! I’m going out to chase squirrels in a while. My MomPeople says you live in a pretty place with lots of woods, like me. Do you have squirrels? Do you need a professional squirrel chaser? I am Very good.
My MomPeople also tells me you have kitties. I’m sorry.
Oops, Tuck Tuck heard that. I mean cats are cool. I bet you heard I’m outnumbered by the cats in our family. Sigh.
Anyway, my MomPeople says you write great books, and she is crazy about your newest- The Horses of Lost Valley. She says not only that the story is great, but you’re so good at carrying her back to Southern California where she used to live, and where her little sister was born.
MomPeople says there are lots of horses in it. I’m a Fox Hound you know. I’m supposed to hunt something along with horses. I have a picture in my Dawg/Man Cave of Fox hounds and hunter horses. I’m pretty sure they’re not hunting squirrels. But I’m curious about horses. I can hardly wait for her to read the book to me. I can’t read, but she shares books with us.
Is it true your book is based on a true life experience of yours? Could you share a favorite passage from your book?
Aileen K. Henderson: “The Horses of Lost Valley” is based on true life experience.
One of my favorite parts of the book is when he saves his horse from the wildfire.”
Well, MomPeople is going to have to read the book to us NOW! The squirrels can wait!
Thank you, Rufus.
Works by Aileen Kilgore Henderson
The Summer of the Bonepile Monster (1995)
The Monkey Thief (1997)
Treasure of Panther Peak (1999)
“Treeva’s Own” in Belles’ Letters (1999)
Stateside Soldier: Life in the Women’s Army Corps, 1944-1945 (2001)
Tenderfoot Teacher: Letter from the Big Bend 1953-1954 (2002)
Hard Times for Jake Smith (2004)
“Ezell and the Black Speckled Gizzard Stone” in Appalachian Folktales (2010)
Eugene Allen Smith’s Alabama: How a Geologist Shaped a State (2011)
The Horses of Lost Valley: