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Rufus: Just Saying: Christmas Crazy

Rufus: Just Saying: Christmas Crazy
12 December 2014 

Sometimes The People are kind of hard to figure out. This is my first Christmas inside my own very

own with my own The People home. Last year the DadPeople was recovering from heart surgery, so I stayed with Mr. Moberly in his kennels and played with a certain Very cute labrador. 🙂

This year it’s My Home with The People Christmas. I figure there’s going to be yummy turkey like at Thanksgiving. That’s excellent. But The People have started doing strange stuff to the house.

There’s sparkly stuff all over. BUT I am NOT allowed to play with any of it, or eat it. So what good is sparkly stuff? Maybe the worst are the sparkly balls. No close up sniffing allowed! That’s one of those: “No, Rufus. Leave it!”

Snort. No chasing sparkly balls. I don’t care. They don’t even smell good like my tennis and whiffle balls.

Another thing. The People went out and brought home a tree they put in the upstairs living room! Huh? And trust me, it’s not for peeing on.This strange smelling tree has lights that first go white, then colors, then back to white, then colors. Wait up. I’m getting dizzy. 

I don’t think the lights in the tree are because of lightning bugs, ‘cause if the tree had bugs I’d eat ‘em up! Or snap at them and make them get OUT of my house. But The People just stare at  the lights and talk about them. Hmmm. 

This is crazy stuff. A tree that blinks and can’t be marked and this big pile of balls I am NOT allowed to play with. I’ve heard the balls are going to hang on the tree! Whenever The People stop staring at the lights.

And then there’s the creepy little guys who appeared on the coffee table. Look at these three!!! Are they shifty or what? I think they broke in the house last night, and The People were too busy being hypnotized by the tree to notice!  

I’m pretty sure these sparkly house-breakers are here to steal important stuff, like my food. Or NikkiCAt’s. Well, they can have NikkiCat’s food. Except for his chicken treats. I LOVE chicken treats. 

Rufus who is still blogging while The MomPeople is staring at the tree lights. 

[All photos used in Kath-LettersfromEarth.blogspot.com are the sole property of Kath Marsh. Not to be reprinted. ]

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