Sans Kit
19 December 2010
Despite much grumbling and threats of getting out the Puzzle Kit (rubber mallet and scissors), and nearly ending with three pieces that did NOT fit in the three remaining empty spots (The Prince Consort solved this. Apparently I’d managed to wedge a piece into the wrong spot, without the rubber mallet, which caused the last three pieces to not fit. Or something like that.), the puzzle is done.
I can feel the black cat on black background puzzle coming up next. Not on the black counter. Somewhere I have butcher paper. Everybody who’s ever done crafts has butcher paper, right? Nice white, contrast to show the pieces, paper.
How about you? What’s your favorite jig saw puzzle? And did you need the Puzzle Kit to finish?
P.S. I am adding the Duck lamp (with 100 watt bulb) and the magnifying glass (just above the puzzle) to the puzzle kit.