She’s Back
20 January 2012
The Occupy Front Woods crowd were back this morning. So I tried for a better photo of the white turkey hen. I’m working on this photography thing.
(Ironically the photos of the abandoned still in my subdivision are better. Want to see those? )
So I switched to the zoom lens, covered the flash, and pressed the lens to the window to get the shot.
Here’s the white hen.
She needs a name, I think.
I wondered if she could fly like a regular hen. She can. As I came out with the corn, she flew off beautifully with the other twenty-six hens.
Sigh. I think the turkeys have that feeding thing backwards. Pecking the ground before the woman comes with the corn, then fly away when she comes out seems like a plan that needs revisiting.
Kath who needs lots of photography practice.