Skunks Rule! Ground Hogs Drool!
26 February 2013
So much for the Pennsylvania Ground Hog who predicted the USA would have an early spring. Kentucky’s more accurate version of a Spring predictor, a pretty little skunk, foretold more winter. And from the snow falling from Texas through the Midwest, I’d say, “Skunks Rule!”
While today is warm wet tornado breeding winter here in the Blue Grass region of Kentucky, my friend, Ally Shields (,), lives in Iowa where she’s not getting the mere one inch of snow the weather guessers predicted last night. She’s in a near white-out. The Midwest is getting socked with what? WINTER!

When we moved to the Blue Grass everyone said if you didn’t like the weather, wait fifteen minutes. While I’ve heard people say the same thing in the 26 other places I’ve lived, Kentucky is where it’s skunks’ honor really truly true!
My photos from this month: February. The weather bounced from clear and warm to snowy and back again.
One day it’s This:
The next it’s This:
![]() |
(The sun brings out all kinds of turkeys. Some wearing red coats and jeans that were unwearable pre-Defulffing.) |
I’m sticking with the KY skunk’s predictions on winter. It’s not over until it’s over. I remember too well the ice storm we had one April a few years ago.
Kath: who has out her rain coat, sunglasses, and warm red coat and lined boots.