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High Daemon Abdon Writes her First Fan Letter

High Daemon Abdon Writes her First Fan Letter 
24 August 2012 
Ally Sheilds’ first book comes out September 21:   AWAKENING THE FIRE (Guardian Witch # 1). 
In celebration of this, my main character, High Daemon Abdon Mallack, has written a letter that appears in Ally’s blog section of her website: http://allyshields.com
I hope you’ll go take a look at Ally’s website and Abdon’s letter. I swear Abdon was on her best behavior when she wrote to Arianna, Ally’s witch. 
Although in delivering the letter Abdon’s lieutenant, minor daemon Posso, and his best friend Chester, a small dragon, may possibly have had a mishap or two. At least the burnt edges and unidentified goop on the back seem to indicate they have an iffy future as mail carriers. 
Kath who is looking forward to Ally posting on this blog in the very near future. 

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