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Thanksgiving for Lots

Thanksgiving for Lots
4 November 2012
I have a lot to be thankful for. On this Tuesday, I am grateful that I have the freedom, the right, the privilege, and the responsibility to walk into my polling place and cast my vote. And I will. 
I’m thankful that I’m smart enough not to take out a loan to buy the fast food combo on this sign. Even though after 109 days on the Defluffing diet, I’m not so sure $700 is totally outrageous for two double cheeseburgers. After all it’s a Combo meal. That must mean it comes with onion rings, french fries, a couple of gallons of Pepsi, two pounds of Cheezits, a whole cheesecake from The Black Pearl, and four cheese blintzes from Rich’s. Right? 
I’m also thankful that The Prince Consort took over as house chef a year ago. I’m an awful cook, who regards ‘homemade’ as meaning  I took the brownies out of the grocery store carton and placed them on a real china plate. 
My California cousin Mike emailed me a recipe for Thanksgiving Turkey. He must have heard about the first and last year my sister and her husband came to Thanksgiving dinner at our house. The year of Turkey Alaska (Turkey was still frozen in the middle when TPC went to carve it.) and Blackened Stuffing. (The stuffing cooked beside the turkey was charcoaled on the top and maybe a little way down into the middle.) 
So here’s Mike’s recipe: I’ve clipped it for my family cookbook to be handed down to Professor Daughter. I’m a good mother. 
Subject:: Turkey Recipe 
I thought this sounded good! Here is a turkey recipe that also includes 
the use of popcorn as a stuffing ingredient — imagine that. When I found 
this recipe, I thought it was perfect for people like me, who just are not 
sure how to tell when turkey is thoroughly cooked, but not dried out. Give 
this a try. 
Turkey Recipe
8 – 15 lb. turkey 
1 cup melted butter 
1 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is Good) 
1 cup un-popped popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHER’S LOW FAT IS BEST) 
Salt/pepper to taste 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush turkey well with melted butter, salt, 
and pepper. 
Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place in baking pan making sure the 
neck end is toward the front of the oven, not the back. 
After about 4 hours listen for the popping sounds. 
When the turkey’s butt blows the oven door open and the bird flies across 
the room,…. it’s done. 

Kath who is pretty sure TPC has his own Turkey recipe, but if he doesn’t… 

Kath who is pretty sure TPC has his own Turkey recipe, but if he doesn’t… 

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