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The Sunshine Award

23 March 2013

The Sunshine Award is a lovely sunny flower that bloggers give to other “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.

Thanks so much to Ally Sheilds, the enchanting blogger who passed the award to me. Check out her blog post herehttp://allyshields.com/
As with most awards, the Sunshine Award comes with a few simple rules:
(1) Thank the person who gave you the award in your blog post.
(2) Do the Q&A below
(3) Pass on the award to 10-12 deserving and inspiring bloggers, inform them and link to their blogs.
Here are my answers to the questions:
Favorite Color: Red. Okay sometimes turquoise. Wait. Red for walls, definitely, and turquoise for clothing and especially jewelry. Yep.
Favorite Animal: I fear for my life if I don’t say NikkiCat, my cat. But I love donkeys, vultures, and oppossums.

Favorite Number: Seven. Maybe Nine. Wait, maybe five. Can you see why I never gamble?
Favorite Non-alcoholic Drink: Margaritas. Lots of salt on the rim, no ice cubes. Wait, non-alcoholic? Well you could leave out the tequila as long as I still get the salt.
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook because Twitter is still a mystery for me.
Your Passion: Walking outside. I LOVE it. Or reading. Or eating Cheezits. And back to walking to exercise off the Cheezits.
Giving or getting presents: Giving. I love the challenge of trying to find the right one. I’m still learning.
Favorite Day: Any day when my family, friends, and I wake up healthy.
Favorite Flowers: Daisies, daisies, daisies.
 And in the winter Pansies. LOVE their little faces. Although by summer they’re pretty much frowning at me for letting it get hot.
Finally, these are the 12 fantastic bloggers I’m tagging for this award (Now, I’m off to tell them, so maybe they’ll have posts up in a day or two. If not, at least you can look around some terrific sites!):
Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley Adams at http://mysterywritingismurder.blogspot.com
Lois Winston at http://anastasiapollack.blogspot.com/ Killer Crafts and Crafty Killers.
Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi at http://thebookshelfmuse.blogspot.com/

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