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Where Do I Get This Stuff?

Where Do I Get This Stuff? 
9 May 2013
A few years back, when The Prince Consort was still willing to read my rough drafts, he walked into my office staring down at the pages of my vampire and demon manuscript. The whites showing around his eyes, and his voice rising with just a shade of panic, he asked, “Where do you get this stuff?” 
Shrug. Just do. Maybe I’m haunted. If so it started a long time ago when as a pre-schooler I saw that nightmare clown face in the bathroom mirror. (That face showed up again in my adult bathroom mirror after the last time ( So help me.)  I let anyone give me a ‘permanent’. YEOW! Talk about scary.) 
Or maybe when I saw the two ghosts in the four-hundred-year-old Rhode Island farmhouse? Or maybe when I saw the ghosts in the sorority attic. 
 All I know is: I sit here, and they show up. Pansy Pants. Posso, Chester, Abdon (who is Very high maintenance and has appeared in four of my mss.) Great and Might Wizard, Cl’rnce the R’ver Dragon . . . 
And now they’re all crowded around, waiting and hoping that Pansy will win the CBAY Books Middle Grade writing contest and be the first to get a book published.  Me to. 
To entice you to read my ebook sample chapters on the CBAY Books site:
 the end of Chapter Two of Pansy Pants & the Search for Magic:
A heartbeat later light bloomed in front of Posso. His wide grin looked creepy now. Pansy stepped away as he pulled something out of his top pocket. He held it out to her. Painted over what had once been a smiling picture were the letters: ‘FOP’
“Yep. Posso love Poe. See, Friend of Poe,” he said. “Pansy Pants plenty smart know about Poe. Poe make good magic. Pansy make good demon.”       
He tucked the badge back in his pocket and walked around her. “Not going to die. Yet.”       
And he laughed.
Kath: Who can hardly wait for Wednesday, 15 May 2013, to arrive and the beginning of voting at: http://cbaybooks.com/info/?p=247

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