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Warm Me Up!!

Warm Me Up!! 
5 February 2014

Today is gray and slushy and cold and dreary and … And I didn’t get to go OWT and walk today. So I am sulking. This is everybody’s fault. Even if The Prince Consort doesn’t think so. 

“Cheer up” only goes so far when windy skies spit icy stuff at me. My friend, Ally Shields, http://allyshields.com , told me last week my Florida photos weren’t ‘hot’ enough to warm her in colder and snowier Iowa. 

So I’m bringing out the big guns. My photos of the Arizona high desert. 
High Desert to warm the frosty, sneezy, and funky in me, and I hope you all. 

We left the Grand Canyon that day, (Yes. there had been a ‘white-out’ snow storm two days before as we arrived at the Grand Canyon.) and headed for the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest. Two of the marvels I remembered from my childhood (way back just after man discovered fire and Cheezits.) 

No surprise I’m starting with a dawn shot over the Grand Canyon. Me and dawns, huh?
We could see the Painted Desert in the distance from the Grand Canyon. 


And then we went to the Petrified Forest. Unlike the Red Woods of my native California, these miracles are horizontal 

And off we went toward New Mexico and more high desert. No snow. Bright sun, blue skies, warm colors. 


KATH: who, if she were uber rich, would have a desk with a petrified wood top! Gorgeous! 

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