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V is for Various Little Helpers

Rufus: Just Syaing: A-Z: V is for Various Little Helpers
25 April 2015  
The varieties of dragon soft guys live in a basket near the MomPeople’s desk. They are very quiet spoken. But I heard what they said. 
They said, “We don’t know you. Why are you looking for the Purple Dragon?” 
By now I was hungry and thirsty, and I forgot why I was  hunting. I have less trouble finding chipmunks than this dragon. 
 “Ask NikkiCat,” I said. “He started this.”
They looked at NikkiCat. He slit a sleep-heavy eye and jerked his head at still another Pocket Dragon on the desk 


[All photos used in Kath-LettersfromEarth.blogspot.com are the sole property of Kath Marsh. Not to be reprinted.]

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