Rufus here. It’s kind of drippy today, so I’m working on my next post. Momperson said to write about the World of Dragons. I reminded her that— A) Hank and I hadn’t had a dog treat in at least two hours and B) someone chewed up my copy of The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard and could she remind me about dragons.
She didn’t think that was my best joke, seeing as how she had a really good idea who ate that book. But she promised a peanut butter treat with dinner and sent me up to her office to interview the dragons. I couldn’t figure out why these magical dragons are interesting. They just sit around her office on shelves and a desk, perching and staring from everywhere.
It’s an okay office for a room with a big wing chair by the window. Which for once did not have at least one of our cats napping in it. So I curled up in the chair and stared back at the dragons. No one paid me any attention. This was going to be a short boring post.
Then I heard a whisper. “Hey, Rufus. Why are you here?”
It was Lotus, a gargoyle who I like. She spends a lot of time taking selfies of herself.

She once took this cool photo of me and Hank on Tree guard duty.

I told her I was writing a post about the World of Dragons but it’s very boring. I pointed my nose at all the dragons who were making a low buzzing noise and ignoring me.
Lotus laughed and took a photo of the office with all the dragons perched everywhere, She said, “These guys are resting and talking about new stories to tell your Momperson for her Children’s book series of adventure and fantasy stories. Look kind of small don’t they?”

I nodded. She went on, “Well, when they’re out in their world, which is on a very different plane from this one, they are very busy and their size is everything from tiny to so big their heads hit the ceilings in the huge caves they like to live in. Know why they live in caves? Other than because they are so tall and like to hide their treasure there? I’ll tell you. They like the coolness. After flame-throwing practice, it is very important to cool down.”
That made sense.
“Do you think they have scales?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “They do and they don’t. Their scales are really different and come in every color. Of course, they’re a lot like armor and can repel fire, but sometimes they are as sleek and silky as …” She pointed to a shiny piece of cloth hanging over the back of Momperson’s chair. “As that. Cl’rnce and his twin sister Hazel gave her that for being a good scribe and writing their Bumblespells books.
“And that’s another thing. Did you know that dragons are only born in pairs, twins, once in a thousand years? Very rare, like Cl’rnce and Hazel. In fact, Cl’rnce is the only practical joking dragon I know of. Hazel is wicked smart, but so are most dragons.
“Hazel and Cl’rnce are River Dragons, the most special of all the Dragon Nations. Hazel once told me that dragons can be twenty feet or more tall, but River Dragons swim, so twelve feet tall is about average. They are particularly strong, River Dragons, because their scales can get heavy in the water even when they go into the sleek mode which they also use for flying. Bet you didn’t know Dragons have magic.” Lotus stopped talking.
“Was that a secret I wasn’t supposed to know? About the magic?” I asked after waiting a whole minute for her to go on.
“Oh, no. I was just listening to the ideas for the next book. Some talk about warrior Gargoyles. I didn’t know they knew about some Gargoyles being warriors. What was I saying?”
“You were saying about magic.” I was thinking maybe the dragons could make a case of peanut butter appear for me and Hank.
“Ah, yes. They do have magic, but the truly big magic requires assistance. A partner. Which is how Dr’gon and Wizard Technological School and Knights Academy got started. It’s a huge school where knights, wizards, and dragons learn all kinds of things. And Dr’gon and Wizard Partners find each other. You must have read about how Cl’rnce and Great and Mighty met at Wiz Tech. I saw you with the first Bumblespells book—The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard. Dogs read differently. I’ve never seen anyone actually eat a book they’re reading.”
That was when I heard Hank yip the warning bark. Momperson was on her way. I decided Lotus didn’t need to be asking about someone eating that book when Momperson arrived.
“Thank you so much, Lotus. You’ve been a big help. Can I come back and chat with you say in a week?” I knew I’d have to do another post about then, and Lotus had information I never heard.
She smiled and took a selfie that included me. I met Momperson on the stairs. She said it was time for dinner, so Hank and I followed her downstairs and outside for playtime and after dinner peanut butter treats.
Just Saying